Smarter Data, Connected
Expand your insight with the Open:FactSet Marketplace, the destination for best-in-class data and solutions that give investment professionals an edge.
From ESG to Satellite and everything in between, the Open:FactSet Marketplace is your home for data that gives you an edge.
We work with data providers to review and integrate data before making it available so you can seamlessly link our data feeds to your models, systems, and proprietary datasets, freeing your team to generate ideas.
Key Features
- Diverse datasets
- Data screened & connected by FactSet
- Market-leading symbology
- Idea generation
Key Benefits
Discover untapped datasets
Financial datasets keep growing, but their value is lost without complex evaluation and integration. Leverage FactSet’s deep expertise in data integrity and unlock the power of data with the Open:FactSet Marketplace. Combine pre-linked, harmonized datasets, from ESG to satellite, provided by carefully selected sources with FactSet’s leading data feeds, such as ownership, supply chain, and fundamentals.
Go from data to decision faster
Spend less time managing data and more time analyzing it when you offload the burden of screening data sources, scrubbing raw data, and connecting third-party content to FactSet. Utilize FactSet’s loader capabilities to automatically update data. Seamlessly link data feeds from the Open:FactSet Marketplace to your models and systems without the need for custom code, enabling your team to generate greater alpha.
Leverage new tools and applications
Get a head start on data analysis with the latest technology solutions, including fully-hosted environments such as Quantopian Enterprise and FactSet Data Exploration. Take advantage of cloud-computing and API interfaces to begin using new datasets immediately, no infrastructure or set up time required.
Experience industry-leading support
Rely on FactSet’s decades of expertise integrating databases, experienced engineers and quality assurance staff, and robust series of data integrity checks and balances. Access roundthe-clock support, 365 days a year, to address everything from production issues and content questions to feed additions or modifications. Allow our experts to address your troubleshooting and support needs.