Tokyo Stock Exchange and Osaka Securities Exchange Consolidation, March 24th, 2014.
In accordance with the January 2013 announced consolidation of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) and Osaka Securities Exchange (OSE), Phase 2 will take effect on March 24, 2014.
Phase 2 will cover the migration of derivative securities from the TSE to the OSE.
As of March 24, 2014, OSE will exclusively list derivatives while the TSE will be exclusively cash equities.
The consolidation impacts the following products:
- Futures Series: TOPIX, TOPIX mini, TOPIX core 30, TOPIX REIT, TOPIX banking, TOPIX dividend, TOPIX Core 30 dividend, JGB 10 year, Mini JGB, JGB 5 year
- Equity and Futures Options Series: TOPIX, JGB, Single Stock
- Discontinued Futures Series: TOPIX electronic, Nikkei 300
- New Futures Series: CNX Nifty, JGB 20 year (from April 7)
- Derivative trading times, rules, and order types will be OSE based
Symbology and pricing impacts include:
- TSE listed option RICs will have exchange suffix change from <.T> to <.OS>.
- Bloomberg (BB) codecs do not support exchange suffix and will not be affected.
- Clients requiring live pricing support will need to execute a pricing subscription for OSE data.
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