Watson Wheatley Financial Systems (WWFS) have been shortlisted in the 2015 Fintech Innovation Awards for the i-Recs reconciliation and data aggregation platform. The awards, in association with Bobsguide and Paymenteye were launched to recognise the very best initiatives, systems and products created and delivered by the global financial technology industries throughout the past year. Voting is now open at http://goo.gl/o4QA6Q
“Everyone at Watson Wheatley is pleased to be nominated and then shortlisted for this award. We have been working hard throughout the last year to deliver an even better reconciliation and data aggregation tool to our hedge fund, asset management and commodities trading clients” commented Director Tom Wheatley.
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ABOUT WATSON WHEATLEY FINANCIAL SYSTEMS Watson Wheatley Financial Systems is a reconciliation system vendor with worldwide clients including hedge funds, long only asset managers and commodities traders. Its principal products are i-Recs and Importer. i-Recs is an extremely versatile and powerful reconciliation solution, used worldwide by clients with over $115bn in assets under administration.
For further information please visit: http://www.watsonwheatley.com/