Profile Software, an international financial solutions provider, announced today that Attica Bank selected Profile’s RiskAvert, the risk management system for regulatory capital calculation, liquidity risk indices as well as XBRL validation and reporting.
RiskAvert is a robust, automated platform that helps banks precisely calculate the regulatory capital adequacy and produce reports under the current EBA requirements in a natively integrated, yet modular environment. The solution provides a comprehensive cube-based MIS reporting engine that fully supports Market disclosure requirements, (Pillar III).
The deployment of Profile’s RiskAvert, supports the completely automated and functionality-rich dispatch of regulatory reporting covering XBRL taxonomies under the current EBA reporting framework and ensures submission in XBRL format of COREP, FINREP (IFRS & GAAP), IP Losses, Large Exposures, Leverage, Asset Encumbrance, Additional Monitoring Tools, Liquidity, Funding plans and supervisory benchmarking portfolios.
Profile’s risk management team has long-standing experience and a proven track record in efficiently delivering highly demanding, compliance-focused projects in SE Europe on time and within budget.