Dunstan Thomas Imago Portal enables interactive personalisation right through to the consumer
Imago Portal delivers interactive and highly personalised User Experience capability for retirement product providers, platforms and consumers direct
The retirement solutions specialist and outsourced IT partner Dunstan Thomas, today launched Imago Portal at the culmination of more than two years of intensive IT research and development, together delivering a resilient framework for customising and personalising digital pension illustrations and retirement planning journeys.
Dunstan Thomas Imago Portal interacts with other modules of the Imago toolset including Imago Automation which performs key processing tasks including uploading data in a range of formats; mapping this data into pre-set data structures (for SMPIs for example); running bulk calculations against that data (perhaps to re-calculate what level of retirement income the new savings amount will offer given a newly-stated retirement date); and bulk, yet highly-tailorable, report generation.
Andrew Martin, Chief Innovations Officer, Dunstan Thomas explains:
“Dunstan Thomas recognises that, to help providers, platforms and their customers in the digital age, it needs to deliver not only standards-based and fully-compliant pensions illustrations and annual reports; but also present real-time data in such a way that digitally-connected consumers are likely to engage and interact with it. We need to enable the delivery of information in an eye-catching format right through to the consumer’s smart phone.
Andrew Martin of Dunstan Thomas continued:
“The idea is to get consumers to start to take a much more active interest in the level of savings they have and what that accumulation level and rate means in terms of when they are likely to be able to afford to retire and how much of a lifestyle hit they will need to take when they do eventually retire. We need to get to the point that a consumer can make a few clicks on-screen to increase the amount they are putting into their retirement pot.”
Dunstan Thomas Imago Portal can also seamlessly interact with Imago Administration, Imago Illustrations and Imago Tools. Imago Administration is designed to provide back office capability for income drawdown, annuity and hybrid retirement income solutions which Dunstan Thomas anticipates will reach the decumulation market during next year. Imago Tools is an easy-to-use web tool for consumers, advisers and administrators to use to help understand choices available in planning and saving for retirement.
It uses workflow engine technology to dramatically reduce implementation time and cost for any new business process from customer onboarding to asset selection journeys; allowing existing processes to be easily modified to meet new business or regulatory requirements. The system also enables customisation of layouts, appearance and functionality to meet the needs of specific users including third party administrators, providers, advisers as well as end customers.