ADYPT go live will allow CMBI to focus on its customers and its core business
Serisys Solutions Ltd., the Asian leader in transforming financial markets with technology solutions, today announced that CMB International (“CMBI”) is live with ADYPT for post trade processing. As CMBI’s strategic post trade processing platform, ADYPT will be expanded
in the next phase with further reporting and risk management.
Jack Tsui, General Manager of CMBI stated: “We are delighted that ADYPT is in operational use at CMBI.
We can see that it really enhances our control and provides us with greater efficiencies allowing our staff
to focus on our customers”.
“We are proud to have CMBI as our valued client and look forward to serving them for years to come.
ADYPT is the result of our years of deep international experience in back office processing combined with
the very latest proven technologies”, said H.K. Mo, CEO of Serisys.