Nissan Century Securities (Japan) Selects SunGard’s Solutions and Managed Services to Boost Performance of Equities, Derivatives and Commodities Operations
Nissan Century Securities Co Ltd, will deploy SunGard’s Valdi and Stream Clearvision as a managed service to support its Japanese equities, derivatives and commodities businesses. Nissan Century was restricted by manual order processing of post-trade give-up messages, which was limiting the amount of order flow it could accept. To enhance its competitiveness and better serve its clients, it needed a solution that could help reduce the costs and manual processing errors that were restricting its growth plans.
By deploying SunGard’s trading and post-trade processing solution on a managed services platform, Nissan Century will be able to simplify its infrastructure and improve operational efficiency through increased automation. Automating its front and middle office will help Nissan Century accept and process higher business volumes to provide clients with increased multi-asset class trading opportunities.
“Our ambitious development plan required us to look for a solution that could accept more give-up order flows and reduce manual processing time and errors. Integrating SunGard’s solutions and managed services together will help us automate our trading operations to increase capacity and accept more orders that helps us capture more client business. Furthermore, the ease of working with SunGard will help us lessen the burden for the provision and operations of our trading platform to drive more value from our own resources and lower our total cost of ownership.”
–Yoshinobu Nakamura, Executive Director, Head of Global Sales,
Nissan Century Securities
“Leveraging multiple SunGard solutions in a managed services environment will help Nissan Century to achieve better total cost of ownership with the ease of working with SunGard with the capability to provide a total solution.”
– Kiyoshi Niki, Representative Director and President, SunGard Japan KK SunGard's Valdi and Stream Clearvision as a Managed Service help reduce the operational burden from clients by reducing the infrastructure, people and costs associated with providing a robust trading solution that addresses our clients' growth ambitions.