Profile Software, an international financial solutions provider, announced today the release of the new updated version of RiskAvert 3.0, in order to accommodate the increasing needs of the industry in the area of Capital Adequacy and Risk regulatory framework.
RiskAvert has been enhanced in several areas to deliver complete management of Risk. The upgraded User Interface is fully responsive and customisable, using advanced technologies like CSS3 and HTML5, enabling users to securely access all functions remotely and from any device. It also provides a number of functional and visual enhancements both in the calculation and the reporting generation processes.
Secondly, RiskAvert fully covers the recently enforced rules under the “Covid-19 measures package” on the preferential treatment of exposures to SMEs, EU - Central Governments & Central Banks, Retail pensioners, as well as exposures eligible to be classified as related to high-quality infrastructure projects.
Thirdly, the system supports new functionality on risk versus accounting data reconciliation that gives users the opportunity to easily compare accounting data with raw risk data input for the calculation process, identify and justify potential differences.
Additionally, in the latest release, RiskAvert also accommodates the Basel III securitisation framework, including Regulation (EU) 2017/2401 (Securitisation Regulation) and Regulation (EU) 2017/2402 (Securitisation Prudential Regulation), the EBA regulatory reporting as well as the quantitative self-assessment reports of risk transfer (i.e. First Loss and Commensurate Risk Transfer Test).
Last but not least, RiskAvert has been enriched with advanced reporting and analytics capabilities through its connectivity with B.I. tools for an in-depth analysis of calculation output results according to the key dimensions and parameters that affect capital requirements.
Profile Software has already completed a notable number of successful implementations which is increasing due to the platform’s robust technology, design and flexible approach available to the user combined with the strong knowledge of its team in the Risk regulatory framework. Furthermore, Profile has formed an alliance with large consulting firms to jointly offer services on key risk areas across the European region as the platform incorporates competitive features.
Profile is continuously developing and innovating its offering to support client expanding needs so that all users enjoy full compliance with the latest version of the regulatory framework, in an accurate and efficient manner.