Make your content work harder
Here at integrate we remain firmly rooted in our consultancy past. It is our strongly held belief that the virtuous feedback loop of understanding real and emerging client requirements, and feeding that into product development is, quite simply, the only sensible way to manufacture useful products.
An example of this is in the range of new features and enhancements we are bringing to Forte, our web-based interactive information sharing portal.
One of the key lessons absorbed from client discussions was on the importance, and increasing prevalence, of video to communicate fund performance.
The problem, is that video is comparatively expensive to produce and is a locked file format. In a digital world, this is an issue. Every interaction needs to be personalised and specific. So how best to incorporate video in a tailored and personalised way ?
Our solution is not ground breaking technology, rather it is just the essence of design - a practical solution to serve a need.
Core to the design of our platform is the separation of data and context, this is the only way to truly enable the deep personalisation which an effective digital strategy requires. We describe this, in detail, in the whitepaper The Digital Transformation of Asset Management: Challenges and Solutions.
In summary, data is inviolate and becomes content through the separate application of specific context.
We have extended this logic to enable a video timeline feature. The video itself, is inviolate, but is is associated with a timeline of context specific content.
As the video discusses current market conditions, up to date charts are displayed to further illustrate the points being made. These charts are overlaid with information selected to be relevant to the particular client, creating a rich, interactive, tailored experience while the pre-recorded (and labour-intensive) video content is able to remain more generic.
This of course, is only the surface of the story. For any such feature to be useful it needs to be sustainable. It cannot just work once, it needs to work again, and again, for as long as required. Which is why it needs the underlying platform to maintain a clear separation of data and context: the only way to truly enable the deep personalisation which an effective digital strategy requires.