TradeTech conducted the second annual Equities Market Survey with over 60 senior equity buy side traders to offer an industry benchmark around key challenges. This first part addresses the trading challenges, priorities and opportunities they foresee in 2015.
Regulation Is Still Causing Headaches For The Buy Side With the market under the spotlight regarding conflicts of interest in trading, nearly 50% of all responses indicated that more autonomy is reuired to ensure less dependence on brokers for technology, research and corporate accessThe Buy – Sell Side Model Is Under Scrutiny And Facing Major Changes 68% of buy side traders indicated that consolidation of the buy and sell side is predicted to occur over the next few years. Almost a third identified ‘cost effectiveness’ of broker partnership as the most important factor for broker selectionSourcing Liquidity Is The Top Priority In 2015 For The Buy Side However, with over half of all respondents identifying ‘sourcing liquidity’ as their biggest priority for 2015, it is clear to see that there is still importance identified in the buy side and sell side partnership, with over 86% citing that they are satisfied with their current broker relationships.