Mobile Support & Electronic Signatures: Using Emerging Technologies to Enhance the Advisor-Client Relationship
Advancing technologies have increased the expectations of investors and their advisors. This whitepaper explores the benefits of two critical emerging technologies in the financial services sector: mobile support and electronic signatures.
Emerging technology has affected every aspect of modern professional and personal life. For the financial services sector, advancing technologies have increased the expectations of investors and their advisors, especially in terms of flexibility and availability. Instead of meeting with investors in an office environment, financial advisors expect to be able to open new accounts, manage their existing accounts and move money anywhere, any time. There is also an emerging expectation that investors are able to initiate transactions.
A report published by Wealth Management further explains the power of mobile technologies for the financial services sector: “It allows [financial advisors] to meet with potential clients, show them a presentation, hopefully close a sale and capture signatures all on one device in a single meeting.” In order to support these demands, firms must embrace two specific technology trends: mobile-friendly applications and electronic signature (e-signature).
To support its clients’ changing needs, IFS launched a new version of the IFS Automaton Platform earlier this year, which included the support of a responsive user interface (UI) in its applications. As part of this update, IFS clients can create and configure applications with full functionality and optimized viewing across all devices. This major update allows financial advisors to serve their investors and meet their expectations with whatever device they happen to have available— phone, tablet or laptop.
IFS has also established strategic partnerships with two of the most innovative e-signature vendors, DocuSign and SIGNiX, to provide e-signature capabilities to its clients.
With more and more advisors and professionals trading in their laptops for tablets, responsive applications and esignature capabilities will ultimately enhance the advisor-client relationship, enabling advisors to complete investor requests easier, faster and on-the-go. Not only do emerging technologies allow advisors to better serve their clients, but they also enable firms to recruit and retain the most talented advisors. As client expectations evolve with technology, advisors need access to the best tools to serve their clients. As a result, they are more likely to align themselves with firms that provide access to the latest technology tools and support innovative initiatives.