The Path to the Cloud: The Buy Side Front Office as a Service
Key research questions
- What is the state of the buy side front office today?
- What are the benefits, opportunities, and challenges for the asset management / hedge fund front office in the cloud?
- What are the benefits of the cloud for asset managers and hedge funds in the front office?
Front office trading systems need a makeover in a period of competitive turmoil, regulatory pressures, and an explosion of data. New thinking is required to create an agile, innovative, and cost-effective solution to trading, order management, and execution.
Celent considers how asset managers and hedge funds are flourishing in an increasingly complicated market structure, regulatory, cybersecurity, and competitive environment. This report provides an overview of considerations for c-suite management to think about their infrastructure and market engagement in an ever-fragmenting liquidity landscape and data-driven environment.
The secular trend toward passive investing, fee pressures, increased demands from end clients, structural market changes, and diminished support from traditional partners require active managers to focus on their essential value-add. A rapid acceleration in the technology requires laser-like focus on alpha generation, cost saving, and alternative models for the front office.