The Potential of Bots for Financial Advisors: On Symphony's Secure Collaboration Platform
31 May 2018
Kelley Byrnes
This report looks at Symphony, a secure enterprise collaboration platform that is taking the financial industry by storm. Symphony’s mission is to, “transform the way users communicate effectively and securely with a single workflow application.”
In this Insight, we share our perspectives on how Symphony can be used within Wealth Management to deliver actionable alerts to financial advisors.
In this Insight, we share our perspective on how Symphony can be used within wealth management. We give an overview of Symphony’s technology, explain why Symphony stands out among messaging platforms, look at a promising integration of Symphony within NexJ’s platform, and provide our expectations of future enhancements.
For wealth management customers, Symphony’s potential lies in its ability to enable financial advisors to scale their business. This report also discusses how Symphony can drive advisor efficiency.