In case you didn't think Fintech was mainstream!
On April 24 the FDIC, together with Duke’s Fuqua School of Business, sponsored “Fintech and the Future of Banking” in Arlington, VA. The day featured a regulatory who’s-who: Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin; FDIC Chair Jelena McWilliams (who had a good sense of humor she wasn’t reluctant to use; particularly surprising since she’s an attorney); Comptroller of the Currency John Otting; Nick Cook from the UK Financial Conduct Authority; representatives from the Fed, CFTC, and CFPB; and academics and industry participants. Several speakers were surprised by the capacity crowd, who ranged from regulatory staffers, to lawyers (lobbyists?), academics, journalists, and consultants. It was, hands down, the highest percentage of ties that I’ve ever seen at a fintech conference, and I’ve been to dozens!