
Online Banking Trends in China: New Technologies, Competitors, and Business Models

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28 November 2012


Total online banking transaction value in China is expected to reach US$239 trillion in 2014. However, there are certain challenges in the market, including the homogeneity of online banking services and competition between e-commerce companies and third party payments providers.

In the past, online banking in China focused mainly on lowering the cost of banking services. Now, many banks provide online banking services, resulting in increased homogeneity and competition. What type of online banking system represents the direction of the future and will gain a competitive edge? In the report Online Banking Trends in China, Celent examines the Chinese online banking market, technology, size, competitive landscape, and emerging business models and trends.

“Competition between banks has resulted in a price war,” says Hua Zhang, analyst with Celent’s Asian Financial Services Group and author of the report. “Third party payments providers have established their own credit mechanisms, and many banks have developed online malls in the hope of leveraging their existing customer base.”

Online banking of the next generation will require more focus on its Internet features, using available tools to better serve customers, which includes being customer-centric, community-based, and marketing-oriented, and offering better customer analysis.

This 23-page report contains 11 figures and 7 tables.