Mobile Payments At Celent's Innovation & Insight Day
Following up on Jacob Jegher's post below, I would like to elaborate on content of the mobile payments panel at Celent Innovation & Insight Day on May 13 in NYC. As Jacob mentioned, we will be joined by panelists from PayPal and Citi. Wells Fargo will also be joining the panel, so some of the biggest names in U.S. financial services will be sharing their thoughts about the future direction of mobile payments. As the panel moderator, it is my intent to make the discussion as informative for the audience as possible, by asking questions that are on everyone's mind, and evoking/clarifying differing opinions. Put another way, this will not be an informercial -- potential questions include the following:
- What is each panelist organization's definition of mobile payments?
- What mobile payments initiatives are being pursued by panelist organziations today? What criteria were used to prioritize development of mobile payments approaches?
- If panelists had to pick a mobile payments "winning horse", what would it be? Which are unlikely to succeed? Why?
- Is mobile payment just a commodity, mobile infomation the value-add? If so, how does this impact mobile payments players' strategies?
- The 800-pound gorilla question... NFC, really? How will (incremental) money be made? Who will make it?
- Do "pre-NFC" proximity payment technologies (stickers, micro SD, bar codes) matter?
- Do banks need to worry about non-FI disintermediation? If so, from where? Mobile carriers? Large retailers (e.g., Target, Starbucks, Wal-Mart)? Alternative payments players (remember, PayPal will be on the panel...). How could banks work with such non-FIs?