Winner of Celent 2020 Model Wealth for Client Experience
Celent recognizes Credit Suisse as the winner of the Model Wealth Manager 2020 Client Experience for their initiative Portfolio Opportunity Finder.
Credit Suisse developed an in-house investment recommendation system that scans investor portfolios to determine the next-best-move by highlighting the largest benefit that can be achieved by an individual portfolio. Portfolio Opportunity Finder incorporates Credit Suisse's global research guidance as well as the client's investment preferences, providing the Relationship Manager (RM) with a Portfolio Score, an individualized score that reconciles each investment against the guidance provided by Credit Suisse’s House view. This allows RMs to quickly assess portfolio quality from a compliance and a diversification perspective, automating significant portions of their workflow in the process.
See all 2020 Wealth and Asset Manager winners and Celent's presentation for this award.