
Market Opportunity in Asia-Pacific Capital Markets: Potential for Market Data Providers

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1 December 2014


The market data industry in Asia-Pacific has been growing steadily in the last few years.

It has seen a lot of competition among the leading global vendors, which are trying to gain a strong footing in the growing low latency data market. There are also some regional vendors which have been serving this market for some time.

In the report Market Opportunity in Asia-Pacific Capital Markets: Potential for Market Data Providers, Celent considers the market opportunity in the Asia-Pacific market data industry and discusses the potential of some leading regional markets, such as Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, India, Taiwan, and Malaysia. While smaller than the leading Asian market (Japan), each of these markets has potential for entrants, and we compare them on parameters such as market development, trade volumes, and presence of large sell side and buy side firms.

The figure compares the markets in terms of the number of tier I sell side and buy side firms and the asset size respectively, while the size of the bubble indicates the number of equity trades that occurred in the respective markets in 2013. South Korea is the leading firm when considering these three parameters. Singapore and Hong Kong also perform well, while India has a large cash equity market and derivatives market, especially with respect to the number of trades.

“Most of the leading firms focus on real time and consolidated datafeeds used mainly by brokers and hedge funds,” says Dr. Anshuman Jaswal, a senior analyst with Celent’s Securities & Investments practice and author of the report. “But some players are now beginning to focus more on growth segments such as analytics and OTC derivatives.”

The report begins with a discussion of the market system and socioeconomic indicators for the leading Asia-Pacific markets. This is followed by an analysis of the trading volumes for the cash equity and derivatives markets in the region, along with a look at the assets under management and the number of Tier I sell side and buy side firms in the respective markets. Finally, the report undertakes a brief comparison of the market presence and product offerings of the leading market data vendors in Asia-Pacific.